Today we start a series of articles where we will be exploring and testing different products for jewelry and storing the jewelry. We want to share with you some simple methods which can help remove tarnish and make your jewelry look beautiful for years to come with proper care. In this article, we will be sharing a simple method for removing tarnish from sterling silver using baking soda and aluminum foil. This method is very simple and you will be impressed with the results. First, a couple of words about the chemical process that will restore shiny silver appearance. Silver becomes tarnished because sulfur is present in the air. When silver reacts with sulfur it creates sulfur sulfite which has a black coloration. We will use a chemical reaction to restore silver from sulfur sulfite by using aluminum foil and baking soda. Let's clean tarnished sterling silver amber ring. That's what we need : 1. Take a heat-resistant bowl. 2. Inline a bowl with a layer of aluminum foil. Choose the bowl size to accommodate the number of items you wish to clean. 3. Put tarnished jewelry in the bowl. Please note that it is important to make sure that each piece of jewelry is in contact with aluminum foil. 4. Place baking soda over the jewelry to completely cover all items. 5. Slowly pour boiling water to cover all contents of the bowl which will immediately bubble cleaning the jewelry. 6. Remove jewelry from the solution approximately after two to three minutes being careful of hot water. 7. Rinse jewelry under cool running water. 8. Dry with soft cloth. Here is the result !!! We tested this method on many different kinds of amber jewelry and we always had excellent results. |