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How to Properly Care For an Amber Teether Necklace

Have you ever heard about amber teether necklaces? These necklaces are widely used as an alternative method to help soothe teething babies. Made from Baltic amber, these necklaces release succinic acid which has natural anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Despite its popularity, some people still have concerns and questions on how to care for these necklaces. In this blog post, we’ll guide you on how to properly care for your baby’s amber teether necklace to ensure its efficacy and longevity.

Clean Your Amber Teether Necklace Often

It is important to clean your amber teether necklace regularly, especially since your little one will be constantly wearing it. Gently wipe the necklace with a soft cloth and lukewarm water, avoiding any soap or harsh chemicals. Do not soak the necklace in water or use a dishwasher, as it could potentially damage the beads.

Remove the Necklace When Bathing or Swimming

As previously mentioned, you should avoid getting your amber teether necklace wet. That being said, it is important to remove the necklace when giving your baby a bath or going for a swim. Water can weaken the string and potentially loosen the beads which could be a choking hazard.

Store Your Amber Teether Necklace Properly

When not in use, store your amber teether necklace in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep it out of reach of children and pets to avoid any damage or strangulation hazards.

Inspect Your Amber Teether Necklace Regularly

Make it a habit to inspect your amber teether necklace regularly for any damages or loose beads. If you notice any damage or loose beads, it is time to replace the necklace to ensure your baby’s safety.

Practice Basic Safety Precautions

It is important to practice basic safety precautions when using an amber teether necklace. Do not wrap or tie the necklace around your baby’s neck or wrist, as it could potentially cause choking or strangulation. Always supervise your baby while they are wearing the necklace, and remove it while they are asleep.

Properly caring for an amber teether necklace will not only ensure its efficacy in soothing your teething baby, but it will also ensure its longevity and safety. Remember to clean the necklace often, remove it when bathing or swimming, store it properly, inspect it regularly, and practice basic safety precautions. Always consult with your pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns regarding the use of an amber teether necklace for your baby.

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