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Blog posts tagged with 'baltic amber stone'

Do you think fake amber created by modern technology? Archaeologists found fake amber that 5000 years old.

Fake Amber

After studying two caves in Spain (near Sevilla and Barcelona), scientists discovered several beads that looked like amber. Archaeologists were puzzled since these beads were among items made of real amber. In fact, these items were mollusks and seeds covered with resin. The discovery was made in an artificial cave where, according to researchers, 19 people were buried. They believe that amber was a valuable commodity at that time, and trading amber was a popular business. It was used for ambe...

How To Keep Your Amber Jewelry Like New For Years To Come
Amber Stone - Amber Jewelry

Amber is a natural and delicate stone. A lot of people are wondering how to care for amber jewelry and if there any special maintenance instructions. Here we will provide some simple rules that will help you keep your amber jewelry look great and enjoy it for many years.

  • Keep away amber from intense sunlight as it may cause crackles in the stone.
  • As a natural stone, amber doesn’t like sudden temperature changes as it may not only cause cracks in the stone but even destroy it.
  • Am...