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All About Raw vs Polished Baltic Amber Pieces

Amber On Beach
Amber is a unique gemstone that has been used for jewelry and as a natural remedy for centuries. Amber jewelry has become increasingly popular in recent years, as people have become more interested in alternative and holistic forms of medicine.

One of the most popular types of amber is Baltic amber, which is found in the Baltic region, including Lithuania, Poland, and Russia. Baltic amber comes in various forms, including raw and polished pieces. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between raw and polished Baltic amber pieces and their unique qualities.

Raw Baltic Amber Pieces

Raw Baltic amber is unprocessed amber straight from the earth. It is considered to be a more natural option, with a rough and organic look to it. Due to its natural form, it contains more inclusions and can include some external impurities. It has a matte finish, which adds to its authentic and rustic appeal.

Raw Baltic amber is said to have a stronger healing power because it has not undergone any processes that may have removed some of the natural compounds and minerals. It contains a higher concentration of succinic acid, a powerful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, as well as potential benefits for the immune system. Wearing raw Baltic amber pieces against the skin is believed to help soothe teething pain and inflammation in children and adults.

Polished Baltic Amber Pieces

Polished Baltic amber is a processed version of the raw amber, which goes through stages of polishing, cleaning, and even heating to enhance its natural beauty and clarity. It has a more refined look, with a shiny and smooth surface that sparkles when light hits it. Polished pieces can come in different shapes, including oval, round, or irregular.

Polishing Baltic amber pieces won’t remove the natural compounds and minerals that are present in raw amber, but it can affect the level of effectiveness of succinic acid and other beneficial ingredients. Some people still prefer polished pieces for their aesthetically pleasing appearance.

How to Choose Between Raw and Polished Baltic Amber Pieces

Choosing between raw and polished Baltic amber pieces depends on individual preferences and the desired effects of the amber. Some people prefer the rough and natural appearance of raw pieces and believe that raw amber has stronger healing properties. Others prefer the smoother finish of polished pieces and feel that they look more elegant and refined.

It is best to consider the intended use of the amber. If you are looking for an amber necklace or bracelet to help soothe teething pain or inflammation, a raw amber piece with a matte surface may be the best option. If you are looking for a statement jewelry piece that can be worn for fashion purposes, then a polished amber piece may be the better choice.

Care and Maintenance

Both raw and polished Baltic amber pieces require proper care and maintenance to keep them in optimal condition and effectiveness. It is recommended to clean the amber piece with a soft cloth and lukewarm water only, without using any detergents or chemicals. Avoid exposing the amber to high temperatures, such as direct sunlight, as it can weaken the structure and potentially damage the amber.

Baltic amber is a natural and unique gemstone that comes in different forms, including raw and polished pieces. Both have their own distinct look and properties, and the choice between them depends on individual preferences and intended use. Raw Baltic amber is rough and natural, with stronger healing properties, while polished Baltic amber is smoother and more refined, with still-natural properties. Proper care and maintenance are essential to keep the amber pieces in optimal condition and effectiveness. Regardless of the type of Baltic amber piece, it’s a beautiful addition to any jewelry collection and can offer potential health benefits as well.

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